TODO - Saturday 2022-11-19

Hello people, it's a dull Saturday in mid November, going back to bed and staying there is high on the wish list, however:

  • Shopping

    I need food (well, yoghurt, popcorn, peanut butter, sandwich meat, iced gems, blueribbon bars)

    Husband needs a compression sock and ibuprofen cream (twisted ankle)

  • Snake

    I can add a public static GameState Move(this GameState game, IEnumerable<(Snake, Heading)>) method that uses the battlesnake rules to create a new board with updated positions for each snake. I can use my existing MoveEngine stuff to predict moves for snakes, and then start running predicton games.

  • Endless Sky

    New game I've picked up, at the very simple end of the spectrum that's got Eve/Elite at the other end. Fun, ish, but I keep dying of jumping into a system I didn't know was pirate infested, which is less fun.

  • Peter Grant

    Enjoying my second read through of the series, got to work out which book is next (and if I've still got any oustanding deliveries)