Actually, that export data idea sounds better every time I think about it, especially after having got data exports from a bunch of different places (Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter) this week.
However. Today is about webmail, and getting out of Bytemark.
wepiu has the basics installed, but not configured. It's got a vmail user with a nearly empty home dir. It's also got a webmail user, I guess I'm planning on using that one for the webmail?
Ok, so webmail doesn't build. Last time I'd been deleting "stuff I don't need anymore", and I've been a bit over the top. Or possibly not deleted enough. Looks like some of the 'Friends' stuff is still hanging about.
find . -type f -name "*.cs" -exec sed -i 's/using Common/using Webmail/' {} \;
Who says you need an ide!
(Having said that, there are times when they're useful)