That's the programming, config, testing stuff (for the OAuth service) more or less done. There are a couple more things I could do (mostly about pulling in client info onto the consent screen to make it much more " wants access to...", but that's not MVP, at least at this (tiny) scale.
What I need to do next is decide where it all goes administratively. Is it part of webmail (or something like my blog), or is it a stand alone service?
I'm leaning towards webmail. It's already got the login/user infrastructure (and accounts), and name recognition with the expected userbase (me and husband), I'm just reluctant to mess with it while it's working. I guess that's what branches are for.
Hang it all off the webmail domain. Webmail users shouldn't notice anything different. I'll need to tweak the paths a little too make sure that nothing overlaps, although the existence of a challenge
query parameter is diagnostic of an OAuth request.
I'll need to do a migration on the webmail db, no worries, I need to get a backup/restore thing working anyway.
I'll end up with a "new client" script, the settings will all be more or less the same each time, only the name changes (and at that point I can integrate it with the new user/project script)
Scary, but doable.