That's NUglify integrated into the site. I've got a new Middlewhere that minifies js/css files, and stashes the minified copies in memory.

I'm thinking about bundling. I'm also thinking about a cleverer cache that will flush to disk every so often, but that's a component in its own right (see also: Image transforms).

Bundles take a list of files and concatenates them, to reduce the number of requests for a page. It's not so critical now with HTTP 2 and 3 reusing the connection, but there's still overhead from headers.

The main problem I've got with bundling is that I want to be able to specify a different list of files for each page, and the best way to do it is not obvious.

The page needs to communicate the list of files to the bundler, and it needs to do it via the browser, since the server doesn't know which bundle request goes with which page.

Having said that, I'm settling on a 'just stick the list of files in the URL' approach, probably using a tag helper to convert something easy for humans to type and maintain into something that's easy for the machine to parse at the other end, probably as the query string.