Hey folks!
I've finally got ground to writing a nuget server! It's dead simple but I can publish packages to it, and pull packages from it at build time. Rider doesn't like/use/understand the search, but that's easy to work round with dotnet add package
That, as well as the container registry ('zot') I've installed means that I can start splitting code into libraries (As a smoke test I've put the OIDC stuff into a package) which should allow me to break the site into a bunch of tiny servers (e.g., separate out the blog) that are all SSO, and all sharing css/layout/menus (I might end up with almost everything in it's own package and one server to host them, or I might just keep the menu updated manually).
I think next up is finishing the Hydra front-end/user management service. (it occurs to me that I can hang e.g. mal off the new server without disrupting the old service). I know that realistically it's only ever going to be me and husband (and husband only uses webmail), but I'd still like to get things like roles right (Of course, the right way to do roles is in three layers, users, roles, and actions. Users are assigned roles, and roles are groups of actions. Admins group actions together to create roles, and then roles are allocated to users. But that's probably overkill)
Anyway. It's going well.