I'm thinking about email to blog again, although as a follow up to dealing with a food diary. It's a neat idea in theory, I can send emails from work, my phone, or my desktop/laptop, but the amount of work needed to setup a collation system is similar to (or, probably, more than) that needed to stick up a web form with a database, or add tags to the blog.

The problem I'm trying to solve here is that, as part of a diet, I want to track to food I've eaten. I've got the old calorie count spreadsheet, but it's annoying to add new foods to that, and I'm not actually counting calories this time.

I wrote down yesterday's food in a note on my phone, but I'm not as interested in keeping my phone on me at all times as I was previously.

I'm coming round to the idea that using the blog to log foods isn't a bad idea, although I'll need to collect entries every week for the cult.

I should push the update that fixes edits, move to a database backend, and start thinking about tags.