I assembled the various bits of my new hydra ui for the first time tonight (Hydra 2.2, the ui, and a client), and it's starting to come together.

I seem to have picked a nice colour palette (although I'm sure that husband will disagree), I can't remember how I did it though.

Still got bugs, clearly, but i think we're in "yeah, this is going to work" territory.


  • user management (add, password reset, scope/role assign, suspend, delete)
  • client management (add, edit, delete, reissue secret) (Note the advantage of this is that all the settings apart from name and callback uri can be preset, making it much easier to add a client)
  • scope/role management. I should make a choice soon about how I'm going to do this, but I'm fairly sure that roles and scopes are different, and there's no point making life complicated.
  • self management (set password, name, revoke permissions, remote logout)

Anyway, it's late and a work night.