Hello world!

So I've got this new desktop PC - Silk - and first job is to distribute my SSH key. (Yes, I am going to look into SSH certs, no not today).

Step 1 - Copy the key to a machine that is already trusted. I feel I should just be able to dump it here, but there's no point being silly. I've copied it to OneDrive so I can reach it from the laptop.

(Aside: The laptop is doing it's usual "Got to have a power supply even at 98% charged thing". I really should save up and get a Chromebook or something)

Step 2 - Copy the key to target machines. Easy enough to do manually, but I wish I had a script for it. Ah, well.

Anyway, I'm up on wepiu, so I guess that wasn't the trauma I was expecting. See y'all later!