Store terrain as a single linear array of longs, and use masks/shifts to store data.

Start with terrain being read only after generation, and maybe do something like a piece table later for changes (e.g., roads, landscaping).

Call the surface a torus, with the top/bottom linked and the two sides linked.

I'm assuming some kind of grid here, do I want to use hexes? Do I want to tie actors to the grid, or is it just for terrain?

square grid, tied actors is most simple and therefore least realistic. (Although the grid can be much finer than the actors, which helps hide the simplicity).

Hex grid solves some of the square grid problems (diagonal movement, mostly), but has a chunk of extra work, and ongoing integration/understand issues (plus, most algorithms assume a square grid).

Disconnecting actors from the grid gives them much more freedom, but then we have to handle "what if an actor straddles a border" issues. (Same as the fine grid option above, I guess)
