Whoop! Web terminal is working! Yeah, baby! Now with colour!
It's working for dungeon, which is great, but it'll clearly work in other contexts. My first thought was a basic bash terminal (I'll need to add some stuff to support vim, but I don't think it's going to be a step-change in difficulty).
I've just realised that I can do the "editor in 1kloc" stuff, /in JavaScript/, in the browser! That's going to be a giggle .
I've got rough ideas of some kind of text/CLI interface for the/a website, but I'm not really sure what I'd want to do with it.
But I'm so chuffed. Using CSS grid has make it so much easier than the alternatives. I don't have to worry about getting stuff in order, like I would with tables, and I don't have to mess with low level font stuff that canvas implies.
So, as is traditional, a list of what next?
- Scrolling
- Finish colours
- More chapters from the roguelike tutorial
- More monster behaviour
- Flee at low heath
- Game of life fungus
- Flocking bats
- Patrolling guards
- More level generation types (rooms and corridors, rather than caves)
- Light sources
- Equipment slots (main hand, off hand, body, legs, ...)
- Quests (or at least tasks)
- Persistence (save game, non fatal death)
- Multiplayer (maybe)