New cluster is up and routed on merit.

K3s, again, this time with a public /64 via a VPN (Linux routing is harder than it looks).

I'm annoyed that Ipv4 is so expensive, it would be nice to give merit it's own ip. Options:

  • Pay for L2TP from A&A (£10/month)
  • Forward the appropriate ports from wepiu to merit
  • Remember that the plan is to put the cluster on wepiu anyway, so can use wepiu's ip
  • Find out how much mythic charge for extra ips

Support stuff:

  • Container registry (zot seems to work)
  • Internal CA, for mtls (cert-manager is designed for this)
  • Edge proxy (traefik is built in, so I'll take it)
  • Monitoring/Logging/Tracing/alerting
  • OIDC
  • Outbound mail?