Hello world, Monday evening, not much to report.
Teeth are back to normal, got a sedation assessment appointment Wednesday morning, one of my filings has fallen out and needs to be replaced (under warranty!).
Work is still porting Ocelot from Asp classic to Asp core. It's going well, I'm using Selenium to write tests to properly exercise the code. Selenium is really quite neat! It's a web automation platform, which means it starts up a browser and then uses an API to control it. The tests are things like "Find the element with this css selector and then click it", which means that it's the same as a person running through a script, but faster and reproducible.
I'm very happy with it, and I'm nearly at the point where I trust it not to give me false negatives. The only issue I've got with it is that the logging could be better - I still have to load the site manually to find the underlying why a test failed (but that's probably me asking to much, it's still much faster than manually starting the site and navigating to the problem to test a fix, and it's trivial to run all the other tests at the same time)
Kittens have been neutered, they seem to be recovering well (Havok faster than Carnage, but Carnage feels a lot more delicate than Havok). Carnage peed on the stairs this morning (right in front of me, so I know it was her) (not an ideal way to wake up). I think she was a bit altered from the pain meds we'd given her yesterday. (She should have had them with food but we have them on an empty stomach), but it could have been a protest, or some other communication.
I'm doing ok, ish, maybe a little below baseline. I think I'm just feeling the weight of another 30 years of work.
Ah, well. I'm going to read my phone for a while and then sleep. Picking up my new work laptop tomorrow, that might be interesting.