So I've copied the fp db over to wepiu, not sure what's next. I need/want a 'better' todo/issue tracker, that can track dependencies and maybe priory to show me what's next.

Basic data seems obvious: text, id, dependsOn[], isComplete

Is that enough? Let's take set up db as an example

"setup db", 1, [2] "install db", 2, [3] "Add db repo to sources", 3 "Copy data/schema from old db", 4 "Export old db", 5 "Tidy export", 6 "Import data", 7 "create db user" ...

I'm tempted to add a 'command' property (probably with a 'runAs' sub property) to record/automate the process.

Is it worth it? It would be nice to be able to pick up and put down the process as and when, without losing track of where I am. On the other hand, updating the list is another job (Ignoring the whole "writing the software in the first place" issue)

(And now I want to add 'verify' and 'undo' commands (although commands up the tree/graph should cover lower levels))

Anyway. I think I'm going to config servers before getting the website up, so that I don't need to test the website against live data.