Write ahead logs

Roughly, when the storage engine gets a request that would change a file, write the details of the change to disk before doing the change, so if the change is corrupted then we can tell by comparing what should have happened (the log) with what did happen (the real files).

I'd be tempted at that point to go full Event Source and treat the log as the source of truth, and read state at boot time.

Or, not waste time badly implementing a database and use a real database instead.

Maybe it's entity I don't like? Maybe I should go back to writing the raw sql myself (except entity is really convenient? It's so nice to be able to more or less ignore everything lower level than sets of types. Pointing at moving from postgres to sqlite as an example, none of my logic changed (and ok, it's all fairly basic). Maybe I should move the blog to a db).

Blog Schema

  ->Comments []
  ->Versions []
  Created Timestamp

  ->Parent Comment?
  ->Parent Entry
  ->Child Comments[]
  ->Versions []
  State {Unreviewed, Ham, Spam, Flagged}

Thing is, it's very easy to get carried away with database schema design. Do I really need to keep a log of who reviewed a comment (and when), when I'm the only person with an account?

Commands, Queries, and Events

Commands are instructions ("Create an entry"). Events are a report on something that happened in the past ("An entry has been created"). Queries ask about the state of things ("What entries exist?").

Somewhere there's an engine that convents commands events. We also need a storage system that can listen to events and answer queries. Finally, there must be some kind of system that generates commands, send queries, and processes the results.

I think I'm overthinking again