2005-2017 Call Center Advisor (HMRC)
As a front line call handler I took calls from the public, answered their questsions, and updated systems in line with department policy.
Working in this role helped me develop the skill of explaining complex technical ideas to people with a wide range of knowlege.
2017-2018 Guidance Author (HMRC)
I was promoted into a role with the Guidance team, who are responsible for writing and maintaining HMRCs internal guidance for front line call center advisors and other process workers.
As part of this role I moved to the tehcnical side of the team after updating some ASP Classic Visual Basic to run more efficiently, replacing a runtime of 30 minutes with one of 2 or 3 seconds.
2018 - Current Guidance Development Team (HMRC)
Another promotion lead me to my current role. I am working as a developer and system administrator with the Guidance Development Team. We build and maintain the software that hosts the internal gudiance.