Not a bad weekend as these things go, got done nice programming done, got a bit of sleep in, spent a bit of time with husband, played with some kittens.

Work tomorrow as usual, talking to at least one of the Dave's about the .NET template I wrote list week, maybe bang my head against Vault and local development some more.

Otherwise, next big thing is birthdays. I've booked a week off (and I need to check the dates for that) and I've got a couple of things planned (including: plenty of programming, a trip inland to get out of town, plenty of rest).

Husband has invited some old friends to visit (friends who are our age that we have known for a long time), they'll be camping out in the study over birthday weekend, so there's that. I'm fairly neutral in the whole thing, possibly because I don't really think it's going to happen. I should probably start believing it so I can get used to the idea before it happens.

However. it's late and I should do my teeth and get to bed/sleep. G'd night y'all.