
The word 'Datasource' in the previous entry triggered a minor epiphany. It's exactly the right term to use for the various components I want to add (Google Photos, Twitter posts, blog posts, etc.). If I can come up with a fairly basic set of common operations (get Name, getEntries(from, to)) for datasources, and for entries, then I can wrap everything in a couple of interfaces, and maybe pull some DI tricks at start time to dynamically include known sources.

I'm not sure yet what impact that will have on the existing blog code, especially creating entries. (I think I also want to tweak my language to mark the difference between a post on my blog, and an entry in the 'lifestream' (urgh, not using that name).

And ok, clearly since the blog is just another datasource, it won't need any changes. Instead, what I need is a new page that ~~gloms together~~ aggregates the various sources and displays them.


First draft, off the top of my head, blah blah blah.


  • Entries draw themselves. The environment will draw a header (the time the entry was created, the source, and an edit link if the entry is editable), and the entry supplies HTML ready to add to the output stream (i.e., any user sourced markup is either escaped or very well sanitised)
  • Minimum data set:
    • Creation date
    • Source (link)
    • Permalink (a link to the entry in isolation, but still hosted here)
    • Body/Content
  • Under consideration
    • Something like a big vs small flag, although they might be per source (bookmarks and Spotify plays are small, photos and blog posts are big, although blog posts can be small)
    • IsFirst/IsLast/Next/Previous (to help the renderer, e.g., pull all the previouses, get the most recent, and that's the date for the previous page)


  • I really want everything on one page, but there might be alot of data once I start pulling in photos (and bookmarks). I could default to current year (or even current day), but I really don't want to.

Alright, looks like I'm too tired to carry this on. See y'all later.