I've started following a roguelike tutorial, which has been bloody good so far.
The tutorial's code is written in Java, which is well easy to convert to C#. The prose is easy to read and goes into detail where needed (so far I haven't found anything that it should explain that it doesn't explain), and feels like it's written by someone who knows their stuff.
Luckily, I've got the windows console/ANSI/vt100 stuff from the editor, else I'd need to write that all. I'm leaving it in text mode for now, I'm sure I'll start thinking about a web front end sooner or later (but since it's all keystroke driven, I can have an engine sleeping in the server that only wakes up on a POST. I can probably store the state somewhere, and have a pure update function. But that's next version).
The tutorial is very much "here's the minimum you need to get x working", but the x's are things like random dungeons, fighting, separate screens for inventory so it's fairly comprehensive.
I wonder how far I'll get?