I've got a bit blocked on the game - turns out that I don't really want to play a dungeon crawler - and so I'm looking around for the next project.

I'm moving this blog into a database, but that shouldn't take long.

I've been thinking about building c# expressions back end for the Lox interpreter. (I've been thinking about building a CLR bytecode version, but that's a bit hard, I think.)

I kind of want to get the terminal component from the game into some kind of useful shape, at least good enough to run as an actual Linux terminal, but again, that feels more like a task for it's own sake rather than something objectively useful.

Or something. I think I'm just down. Husband says it's because I didn't get the job (and they may have a point), but that doesn't feel right? I think it might be the whole banality of existence thing, but that might be symptom rather than cause