(Posted to Facebook)
Earlier today I again performed the sacred ritual of "The Job Interview".
I suffered the ritual cleansing, daubed myself with unglents said to be pleasing to the Gods (I argued against it, since it was a video call, but Husband wisley suggested it would be a bad idea to insult the Gods on ritual day), and donned the sacred robes (thanks again Maisie for the tie!)
I improvsed poems on the four themes given; 'The Fall of Leaves in Springtime', 'The Emperor's Third Penguin' (that threw me a bit of a curve, I'd ony read up on the First and Fourth Penguins), 'The Use And Practice of Caching in a Hetrogenous Network Environment' (Easy, a standard ABC CBA rhyme scheme), and 'Duty' (Duty always comes up, so I used the poem I prepared last night).
I await the Emperor's messenger who will hopefully bring me the blue coral button that marks one as a 'Senior' developer.
(The interview went well, I think, although I've got quality competition. I should hear back in a week. Its a promotion within my team, looks like it's going to be roughly the same kind of work, but probably with a bit more managent thrown in. +300£/month net) (I am going to be so depressed if I don't get it.)