Depression is the suck. I'm taking my pills and I'm still laying here on the sofa unable to concentrate on programming (enough that I've taken a sick day). I'm am so done with this. I thought that I had it (depression) covered but it's still jumping on me every so often.

Anyway. I've grabbed someone's flocking code and converted it to JavaScript, but I don't like how they've done edges (which is to wrap position without wrapping neighbor detection), and I'm having trouble fixing that.

I've got the basic OAuth stuff apparently working, but i haven't been able to replace auth on this site.

$WORK is being crap again. TL has made a political choice that's going to cause trouble later (we're building a thing but we're not going to put it up for testing was we go, so it will be too late to make substantial changes when the inevitable problems surface).

No conclusions.