It's been a bit odd at work the last few days. I've ported a couple of tools from Visual Basic for Applications (VBA - Microsoft Excel macros) and powershell to modern C# (for reasons that I haven't paid a lot of attention to, but I think are related to the security people at work tightening up execution policies).

The code isn't very complex - download a few files, calculate and compare a hash, unzip them, and move then into place - but the team are all like "OMG they're so fast!"

The download/install now takes two/three minutes with a good network and fast disk, compared to maybe half an hour previously. That's a useful speed up, sure, but the amount of praise I'm getting feels very out of proportion to the amount of work it took (especially as I didn't put any thought into speed).

Husband's advice is to just accept the praise, and I'm doing my best, but I'd far prefer someone to gush over my clever stuff.

Ah, well.