New infrastructure update: Traefik and let's encrypt are up.

I'm fairly sure I'm over-engineering again, but that's the fun part, yeah?

Request goes to Mythic's proxy over public internet. Proxy connects to tayet, a VM at the end of a VPN that hosts a k3s node. I might be able to eliminate the VPN, but I don't want to, I like having the "internal" network. (Now that it's been pointed out to me, I do wish that Wireguard operated at level 2, but you can't have everything) (TODO: Look up Ipsec, see if it's as bad as people make it out to be).

The dependency tree suggests that the container registry is next, then hydra/oidc, and then 'observability' (grafana et al.).

Also todo, find/write a cheap nuget repo.

To remember your current position in the blog, this page must store some data in this browser.

Are you OK with that?