I have been very much enjoying my time off work. I've been developing my snake for BattleSnakes, with an uncertain outcome (my snake goes up and down the rankings like a pogo stick, but that might be because I don't give it enough time to settle before changing the algorithm).

More fillings yesterday, hoping that's the last set but who knows?

Birthday tomorrow, going to go out to the hills and say hello to some windmills, and then a stupid burger from Burger King.

A couple of old friends are due for the weekend, husband is 50 and a bunch of people will be over in Sunday (eeek!).

Today is meant to be tidy and last minute prep. We'll see how that goes, I'm off back to sleep.

Snake is doing better, fixed some silly bugs, now it's all about tweaking relative weights (is heading to the center of the board worth more/less/the same as eating? Does it make a difference of my health is high or low).

Ideally, I could have the weights as an array, or something, so I could swap them in and out at runtime. (Domain Specific Language you say?)

I could use Lox fairly easily, especially if I didn't bother implementing functions (although having said that, I can see uses). I wonder how the Dev team would react to something like a blockly system for people to write hosted snakes with?

(Or they could add Oauth so 3rd parties can run snakes for you...)

(I'm being stupid: User creates a snake, and gives it a generated URL from my site, the BattleSnake devs shouldn't care).

To remember your current position in the blog, this page must store some data in this browser.

Are you OK with that?